Open Show Extravaganza
The International Kennel Club of Chicago (IKC) is proud to offer the International Open Show Extravaganza, with an unprecedented focus on Foundation Stock Service (FSS) and Miscellaneous breeds.
These breeds boast some of the most dedicated patrons in the dog world
Toward this end the Open shows will be highlighted at both the Winter and Autumn IKC shows, with special attractions at both. Both shows will offer large, highly visible rings with prizes and rosettes comparable to the all-breed shows. The Best in Show winners from all three days of shows will compete on Sunday in the regular group ring for the Open Best of the Best Challenge, which brings with it a $250 prize.

Both events will welcome FSS and Miscellaneous breeds to participate in our Greet the Breeds exhibitions. The Winter and Summer events will offer expansive judges education series in which FSS and Miscellaneous breed experts are invited to present.
“We invite the best of the rare breeds to come and exhibit in two world-class venues and to introduce their amazing dogs to an expected 60,000 dog lovers, judges and spectators,” says Scott Pfeil, Principal and IKC President.
The Winter IKC show cluster will be held January 6-8, 2023 at the Schaumburg Convention Center just outside of Chicago and minutes from O’Hare International Airport. The Summer event will be August 25-27, 2023 at McCormick Place in Chicago.
FSS parent club representatives and other interested parties may contact Erika Wyatt at to inquire about opportunities.